Cleaning and packaging procedures

Clean optical surfaces are critical to the performance of your laser system and to the condition of your optic. Here is a short video with practical tips on how to clean our products.


Cristals are packaged after final cleaning under laminar flow boxes. We use a variety of membrane containers depending on the size and the aspect ratio of your product:

- single, parallepipedic crystals are packaged in small boxes,

- large-aperture, thin optics are wrapped in optical paper and then placed in membrane boxes,

- Q-switch assemblies are given a rubber socle that ensures that the membrane is not damaged by the metal holder during shipment and handling, and that the product rests firmly between the membranes.

On request, we can also package small parts in lots in gel-pak (TM) boxes using our clean room.

Each individual container bears a label with a short part description, the S/N of the part and its batch number. Gel-Paks bear the batch number only. On request, we can also print the customer P/N of the part and the PO reference.

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