Contact us

Contact us

Sophie A sat

Sophie André

Sales administrator
Debo sat

Deborah Nonne

Sales administrator
MA sat

Marc-André Herrmann

International Sales Engineer

marc-andre.herrmann@cristal-laser.frThe Americas, Africa, South East Asia & the Pacific
Ophélie sat

Ophélie Wagner

Sales manager
Europe, mainland Asia, Japan, Korea

Want to learn more about our products and capabilities? Do not hesitate to contact us

How to reach us

CRISTAL LASER 32 Rue Robert Schuman - 54850 Messein, France - Tél. +33 (0)3 83 47 01 01

Here are a few travel options to reach our premises:

- 11/2 hour by car from Luxembourg Airport

- 3-4 hours by car from Paris airport, Stuttgart airport or Frankfurt airport

- 11/2 hour by train from downtown Paris to Nancy and then a 20-minute taxi ride