
Here are a few papers we have contributed to. Should you wish to receive a copy, please use the contact form of this website and we may be able to get you one.

  • Efficient second-harmonic generation of a high-energy, femtosecond laser pulse in a lithium triborate crystal

    C. Aparajit, Kamalesh Jana, Amit D. Lad, Yash M. Ved, Arnaud Couairon and G. Ravindra Kumar. Optics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 15

  • 45 W average-power, high-energy deep-UV generation at 257 nm in LBO

    Gabriel Mennerat, Laurent Bizet, Benoît Mahieu, Alexandre Dobroc, Dominique Lupinski, Denis Balitsky, Philippe Villeval, Magali Lozano, Fatima Alahyane, Aurélien Houard, Jean-Pierre Wolf. SPIE 2024 Proceedings

  • Ultra fast green thin-disk laser exceeding 1.4kW of average power

    Christoph Röcker, André Loescher, Florian Bienert, Phillipe Villeval, Dominique Lupinski, Dominik Bauer, Alexander Killi, Thomas Graf, and Marwan Abdou Ahmed. Optics Letters, Sept. 2020, DOI 10.1364/OL.403781

  • Direct amplification of sub-300 fs pulses in a versatile thin-disk multipass amplifier

    Christoph Röcker, André Loescher, Jan-Philipp Negel, Martin Delaigue, Franck Morinb, Clemens Hönninger, Eric Mottay, Philippe Villeval, Adrien Holvoet, Dominique Lupinski, Thomas Graf, Marwan Abdou Ahmed. Optics communications, 460, 2020

  • Highly-efficient continuous-wave intra-cavity frequency-doubled Yb:LuAG thin-disk laser with 1kW of output power.

    Dietrich T., Piehler S., Rumpel M., Villeval P., Lupinski D., Abdou-Ahmed M., Graf T. Optics Express 25 (5), 4917-4925, 2017

  • High-efficiency, high-power frequency quadrupling to 266 nm in LBO

    G Mennerat, D Farcage, B Mangote, P Villeval, D Lupinski. Conference on Advanced Solid-State Lasers, ATh2A. 42, 2014

  • Growth of high quality large size LBO crystals for high energy second harmonic generation

    A. Kokh, N. Kononova, G. Mennerat, Ph. Villeval, S. Durst, D. Lupinski, V. Vlezko, K. Kokh. Journal of Crystal growth, 312, 1774-1778, 2010

  • 115J, 85% efficiency Second harmonic Generation in LBO

    G. Mennerat, J. Rault, O. Bonville, P. Canal, P. Villeval, B. Rainaud, H. Albrecht, D. Lupinski, A. Kokh, N. Kononova, V. Vlezko, K. Lokh, G. Chériaux, M. Pittman, J.P. Chambaret. Conference on Laser and Electro Optics, 2008

  • Electron paramagnetic resonance and electron-nuclear double resonance study of traped-hole centers in LiB3O5 crystals

    Hong W., Chirila M. M., Garces N. Y., Halliburton L. E., Lupinski D., Villeval P. Physical Review B 68 (9), 094111, 2003

  • Characterization of large KTiOPO4 flux grown crystals by synchroton radiation topography

    Rejmankova P., Baruchel J., Villeval P., Saunal C. Journal of crystal growth 180 (1), 85-93, 1997

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