RTP Pockels cell

RTP Pockels cell

RTP (Rubidium Titanyl Phosphate) Pockels cells bring a number of benefits compared to other electro-optic materials: 

  • Non hygroscopic
  • Low switching voltage
  • Good extinction ratio
  • No piezo and pyro-electric effects
  • Used either as RTP Q-switch or RTP pulsepicker


Cristal Laser has developed precise alignment techniques that enable us to offer our customers complete, plug-and-play RTP Pockels cell assemblies with a superior level of performance in electro-optics applications.


What makes us different:

  • Excellent extinction ratio: >30dB measured in our test chamber over -50°C/+70°C
  • High damage threshold of AR-coatings: >10J/cm² at 1064nm for 10ns pulses
  • Space- and defense qualified assembly process and hardware
  • Capability to perform an assembly on customer-supplied mounts
  • No long-term degradation under static HV (8kV/cm in 500 hours)

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